hello... i am very normal! hello... i am very normal!

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Mental Mike

AKA Michael Watson

⦻ Mental_Michael ⦻

Lights Out

Mindless Self Indulgence

Passing Through (Can't the Future Just Wait)

Kaden MacKay

your verification code is: 22691625


►Name: Michael. A. Watson

► Age: Minor

► Birthday: 4/29

► gender/ pronouns: male he/they

► favorite word: fucknut!


► olives
► racism
► doctors
► pedos

► and like maybe a hand full of people 

he likes boyzzzzzz


► marble hornets,  whispered faiths, tribe twelve, and EveryManHybrid, creepypasta

► digital art, music

►  South Park, Hamilton, moral Orel,

► my partner  

Dead Weight

Jack Stauber